Saturday , January 15 , 2005
What's Vegans, Precious?
Dr. Man-flesh We put so much funny into this comic that it hurts. Be careful if you are already ill, pregnant, on medication of any kind, or if you lack a sense of humor. The following side-effects may occur: tickling of the funny-bone, split-sides, abnormal breathing, and dementia. Some readers may experience visions of the future, or it may possibly be just a duck wearing a tiny bowler hat. If symptoms persist, take a breather, and try to eat as little maggoty bread as possible over the course of three stinkin' days. If necessary, find some meat, perhaps hobbit legs, because they may not even need them. -Alex |
Nonsense Where have you been? Here we are diligently putting out comics like clockwork, and you haven't even bothered to stop by and see us! For shame.. for shame on you. Really. But seriously, for a moment, imagine we were actualy union workers, and it took at least five times as long for us to pump these things out? Scary, huh? Then you'd write us and ask, "Hey, uh.. when's the next comic coming? Is it almost done?" and we'd reply in a surly manner, "Ehh.. we're on break..." In one sense, this is difficult, because Mediasponge is now a bi-coastal effort. All of you whose heads are in the gutters now because of the letters 'b' and 'i' should now leave. That's what we call the lowest common denominator, pal, and we're above that here, I mean come on! HAHA I just said come!!! I'M SO FUNNY! I'm sorry. -Phil |
Media Sponge comic and characters © 2001-2005 - Alex and Phil Speer. Please do not use images or graphics from the site without permission. Media Sponge is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |